“凡亚比”登陆台湾 将成为今年我国最强台风

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月20日 11:39   沪江英语


  0: calm (< 1 km/h, < 1 knot)

  Smoke rises vertically. 烟是垂直上升。

  1: light air (1-5 km/h, 1-3 knots)

  Wind direction shown by smoke-drift, but not by wind vanes. 从烟的动向可以判断出风向,但不能通过风向标判断。

  2: light breeze (6-11 km/h, 4-6 knots)

  Wind left on face; leave rustle; ordinary vanes moved by wind. 能感觉到风拂过脸庞;树叶沙沙作响;风向标被吹动。

  3: gentle breeze (12-19 km/h, 7-10 knots)

  Leaves, twigs in constant motion; wind extends light flag. 树叶、细枝不停地晃动;旗子迎风招展。

  4: moderate breeze (20-28 km/h, 11-16 knots)

  Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are moved. 尘土、纸片飞扬;小树枝开始晃动。

  5: fresh breeze (29-38 km/h, 17-21 knots)

  Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters. 绿叶丛生的小树开始摇摆;内陆水域上形成小浪峰。

  6: strong breeze (39-49 km/h, 22-27 knots)

  Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telephone wires; umbrellas hard to use. 大树枝开始晃动;在电话里可以听到风声;撑伞变得困难。

  7: moderate gale (50-61 km/h, 28-33 knots)

  Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt when walking against the wind. 整棵树都在晃动;逆风走路很不方便。

  8: fresh gale (62-74 km/h, 34-40 knots)

  Breaks twigs off trees; generally impedes progress. 树的细枝被折断;基本对行进产生了阻碍。

  9: strong gale (75-88 km/h, 41-47 knots)

  Slight structural damage occurs (chimney pots and roof tiles removed). 开始出现轻微的建筑损坏(例如烟囱顶管、屋顶砖瓦被掀翻)。

  10: whole gale (89-102 km/h, 48-55 knots)

  Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage occurs. 很少在陆地上出现;树被连根拔起;出现大规模建筑损坏。

  11: storm (103-117 km/h, 56-63 knots)

  Very rarely experienced on land; accompanied by widespread damage. 在陆地上极其少见;伴随着大面积损坏。

  12-17: hurricane (118+ km/h, 64+ knots)


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