
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月20日 11:53   环球时报

  According to the Australian of September 17, Australian universities are facing a funding crisis that could throw Julia Gillard’s education revolution into turmoil。

  Australia's $6 billion education business with China is in jeopardy, said some Chinese agents。

  The sector is facing further college closures as enrollments for the next two intakes from China have fallen by up to 40 percent from China and demand from nine out of ten of the biggest markets waning。

  Forward enrollments from China for next month's summer intake are down by 30 to 40 percent for universities and up to 80 percent down for TAFE colleges。

  China provides 27 percent of Australia's 545,000 foreign students. Australia's Skilled Migration List - which was cut by more than 50 per cent in May - has been the reason for the decline。

  "At least 60 percent of students and their parents ask about the possibility of immigration before they make a decision," Wang Wei, general manager of agent Cross World International Centre, said. "After they go abroad, maybe 95 percent would think about immigration."

  She added, "Before 2006, Australia topped the destination countries for China’s abroad students. Now the rank is US, Britain, Australia and Canada, among the Western destination countries. "

  据《澳大利亚人》报 9月17日报道,澳大利亚的很多大学正面临一种资金危机,这个危机可能会让吉拉德政府的教育改革陷入混乱。








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