
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月20日 16:20   环球时报

  It may lack the sophistication and addictive power of Farmville or World of Warcraft. But an online game in which a family fights off a demolition crew with slippers and bullets has hooked Chinese internet users。

  The Big Battle: Nail House Versus Demolition Team has triumphed not through playability, but by tapping into widespread anger about forced relocations. "Nail houses" are the last homes left standing in areas slated for clearance, so called because they stick out when all around them have been demolished. Owners resist because they do not want to move at all or think that compensation is unfairly low, but wrecking crews often retaliate with tactics ranging from cutting off power and water to physical violence。

  In the game, Mrs Ding, still in her curlers, hurls slippers as the men approach, while Grandpa Ding prefers to fire his shotgun. It might sound improbable, but one real life farmer in Hubei Province fought off workers with a homemade cannon. Popular online gaming site 17173 said the nail-house game ranked third among last month's top games and the game has quickly been replicated across the web。

  A professor of Peking University said forced demolitions had long been a hot topic. He said: "Forced demolition is about the conflict between governmental power and the individual's ownership of property. Although China has a property ownership law, it has never been implemented well. People care a lot when governmental power violates an individual's ownership because it simply can happen to anyone."

  Players pointed out that it appeared to be impossible to win the game, because so many thugs swarm the house in the final level – a realistic touch, they thought. "I have already got 70,000 points in the game but my house was still demolished. It tells us that the demolition team is not defeatable ... The only thing we can do is to wait and die," concluded one。








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