
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月25日 09:40   沪江英语



  Human beings, plants and animals have a biological clock and it tells each plant, human and animal when to eat, sleep and when to wake up. In addition to this, we are able to reset this clock to fit in more usefully with our everyday life。

  从中我们可以看到,“生物钟”的英语就是如此直接,字字对应的说法“biological clock”了。而如果我们想说,“调整生物钟”,就可以用上句中的reset来表示。“reset”是指“重新设定”的意思,因此可以放在这里指“重新设定我们的生物钟”。


  Jet lag has an actual physiological effect on the body. What happens is relatively basic; the change in time throws off your biological clock。

  此外,我们还可以用“body clock”来表示“生物钟”,比如说:

  I only arrived in London yesterday and my body clock is still on New York time。(我昨天刚到伦敦,而我的生物钟仍然是纽约时间。)


  Determine a regular wake up time. Even if you did not get a good night's sleep, drag yourself out of bed at a predetermined time each day. When evening arrives, allow yourself to go to bed earlier。

  Expose yourself to light and activity . Remember the first clock? Researchers have pinpointed this neurological clock located in the brain as a nucleus of nerve cells close to where the optic nerves come together。


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