People always say "those pants are so tight, they look like they're painted on." Well, it's not so far from the truth now that there is Fabrican. This substance is made of cotton fibers, polymers (to bind them together), and solvents to keep everything in liquid form in the can. People who want to wear new clothes just have to spray this substance on their body. It was created by Manel Torres, a Spanish designer, who has spent the better part of a decade perfecting the process. His product is still a few years away from hitting shelves, and he still has to iron out some of the kinks, including making the garments smell a little bit less like chemicals。 人们总是说“这条裤子太紧了,穿在身上就像是人体彩绘”。事实上,当一种新型材料Fabrican问世后,这句话就不完全是空穴来风了。 Fabrican由棉纤维、聚合体(将棉纤维粘在一起的物质)和令其保持在液态形式的溶剂组成,想穿新衣的人们只需往身上喷洒这种材料即可。该发明是西班牙设计师曼纽尔-托雷斯博士历经近十年艰辛的杰作。尽管该产品离上架还有一段时日,托雷斯博士仍在精益求精,比如他正在考虑如何将喷衣服时产生的化学气味变淡点。 网友评论
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