洛佩兹与前夫反目成仇 对美国偶像放狠话

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月25日 18:20   国际在线


  Only yesterday she was revealed as one of the judges on the next series of American Idol and already Jennifer Lopez is laying down the law。

  The singer and actress has already banned a contestant from competing on the reality TV show - because he happens to be her ex-husband。


  Earlier this week it was revealed that Ojani Noa - Jennifer's first husband - was planning to audition for the show。

  The 38-year-oldsaid he would be queueing up alongside other hopefuls and planned on singing one of his ex-wife's songs。

  But when Jennifer, who reportedly signed a $12m contract with Fox to be on the judging panel, found out about this, she got the channel to stop him from competiting。

  Speaking to RadarOnlie.com, an insider said: 'Jennifer told Fox to make sure that the screeners at the auditions would not let Ojani anywhere near the auditions。

  'Fox made it clear he was not welcome and that he could be arrested if he showed up so he dropped the plan at the last minute。

  'It was a shame because all he wanted to do was to showcase his voice and show people that he can really sing too.'

  The source added: 'Whenever Ojani tries to do something Jennifer just tries to block it any way that she can - nobody really knows what she's so paranoid about.'

  And it appears that even if Noa shows up anyway, he will have trouble getting past security。

  A source close to Jennifer told the Chicago Sun Times: 'According to key Fox and Idol sources, Lopez has provided them with all kinds of information about her very estranged ex-hubby - including photos, detailed descriptions and even some recordings of him singing。



  'As it turns out, Noa does have a very good voice reportedly good enough to qualify for the initial rounds of American Idol auditions. He can sing, that's for sure, but given his history with Lopez, he's not getting a showcase on American Idol.'

  Jennifer was married to the former Cuban waiter for just under a year between 1997 and 1998.

  The pair has been embroiled in bitter court battles ever since the singer tried to block him from releasing a film about his life because it reportedly contained raunchy footage of them together。



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