广告狂人乔-哈姆39岁演“超人”不靠谱Mad Men star Jon Hamm has laughed off speculation he'll be flying into action as Superman in the superhero's next movie - because he's too old to play the Man of Steel。 Brandon Routh was the last actor to portray the comic book icon on the big screen in 2006's Superman Returns。 The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan has signed on to produce another installment in the blockbuster franchise, and recent rumours suggested Hamm was being courted to take over the role。 “广告狂人”乔·哈姆对于关于他将出演新一集“超人”的传闻一笑置之,并开玩笑的称自己的年纪已经没办法“飞起来了”。最近一部“超人”系列电影是在2006年由男星布兰登·罗斯所主演的《超人归来》,前段时间有消息称,同为华纳有的《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》成为票房英雄,影响了预计四年之后“超人”,更有称这一计划已经被搁置,不过最近让有消息称《黑暗骑士》的导演克里斯托弗·诺兰已经开始了电影的前期准备,而重中之重便是遴选一位众望所归的“新超人”。 But the actor insists he hasn't been approached by movie bosses and at 39, he's just too old to play the part。 He says, "I certainly haven't been informed of that. They might want to run that by me. I don't know, I think unless Superman's power was the power of being really old... I maybe aged out of that competition." 三十九岁的乔否认了关于他被片方相中的传闻,并称现在的年纪显然已经不再适合饰演这一角色。他说:“对这件事我并不知情,这可能是炒作而已,我不清楚,我想,除非超人的超能力是‘上年纪’的话,要不然我显然在这一竞争中不占起手。” 网友评论
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