牛顿母校测试智商 8人堪比爱因斯坦![]() 牛顿母校测试智商 8人堪比爱因斯坦
The UK’s Daily Mail reported on September 22 that eight pupils from King's School in Grantham, Lincolnshire, are considered as clever as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking after they sat the Mensa test。 Thirty pupils had scores high enough to be admitted to the club of the super-smart。 The school where Sir Isaac Newton studied in 1655 is celebrating after 80 pupils took the test - with the majority missing out on a Mensa place by just a few marks。 Edward Roberts, 16, topped the scores at a staggering 161 points - one point higher than Stephen Hawking and the estimated score of Albert Einstein。 In order to be admitted into Mensa, those tested must score an IQ of 148 – which is the top two percent of the population in the UK – while the average in the country is 100. John Stevenage, Chief Executive of British Mensa Ltd, praised the result as "excellent". "It is good to see so many pupils from the King's School have demonstrated an IQ in the top two percent of the population, which is an excellent result for the school." 据英国《每日邮报》9月22日报道,英国林肯郡格兰瑟姆市国王学校的八名学生通过门萨测试,结果显示智商已经和艾尔波特-爱因斯坦和斯蒂芬-霍金不相上下。 学校有30个学生的智商成绩之高,学校因此被评为“天才俱乐部”。 艾萨克-牛顿曾在1655年在该校读过书。此时学校正在为拥有如此之多的天才而庆祝。此次有80个学生参加了门萨智商测试,尽管还有大部分没有达到门萨的高分条件,但是也只比“门萨”标准低几分而已。 国王学校拥有最高智商的学生是爱德华-罗伯茨,他以161分的智商位居榜首,比爱因斯坦和霍金的智商还要高出一分。 要加入门萨的条件是至少需要高达148的智商,在英国智商高达148分的只占人口2%,全国平均智商是100分。 英国门萨有限公司总裁约翰-斯蒂夫尼奇,称赞这次优秀的测试结果:“国王学校的学生IQ测试结果显示,他们位居全国2%的高智商人群之列,对于学生和学校来说,这都是一个好消息。” 网友评论
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