双语:巴黎柏林将办全球最大时装秀(图)![]() 巴黎、柏林将办全球最大时装秀
Paris, Berlin and some 50 cities across France hope to stage the world's biggest fashion show next week, with up to 10,000 men and women modelling their own style on giant open-air catwalks。 Held at the height of Paris fashion week which kicks off on Tuesday, the event organised by Paris' Galeries Lafayette department store is bidding for a spot in the Guinness Book of Records。 Would-be models aged 16 and over were asked to post pictures of their look on the store's website, with 700 finalists chosen from among 3,600 people to take part in the flagship catwalk show on Thursday on Boulevard Haussmann in central Paris。 Smaller events, to be held Thursday in Berlin and Saturday in 54 sister stores across France, have drawn over 10,000 registrations. Put end-to-end the catwalks measure some two kilometres (1.2 miles)。 Currently, the Guinness fashion show record is for 250 people to tread the catwalk at the same time in 10 different locations。 "There will be men, women -- people of all ages. We want to play on diversity," said Anne-Marie Gaultier, marketing director at Galeries Lafayette。 "We are not looking for the next Elite model -- we want people to express their vision of fashion," she said, stressing that today's designers "draw their inspiration from the street." The shows will be split into six themes: Fashion, Neo-Preppy, Rock, Glamour, Bohemian Chic and Street Sport, with models showcasing their own clothes -- but made up by a team of professionals。 Ready-to-wear labels that have used non-professional models in the past include the Italian group Benetton, while the Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto regularly does so for his men's collections。 巴黎、柏林及约50座法国城市有望于下周举办一场全球最大规模的时装秀。届时,将有1万名男女模特在露天T台上走猫步,展现自己的风格。 这场秀将在下周二开幕的巴黎时装周期间举行,组织方巴黎“老佛爷”百货公司有意让其写入吉尼斯世界纪录。 有意参演、并且年龄在16岁以上的人们可将自己的照片上传到该百货公司网站。届时,将从3600名应征者中挑选出700名模特于下周四在巴黎市中心奥斯曼大道举办的大型时装秀上亮相。 下周四在柏林、以及下周六在法国54家“姐妹店”上演的小规模秀场已经吸引了超过1万人报名。所有T台首尾连接起来约有2千米(1.2英里)长。 目前的吉尼斯时装秀世界纪录为250人同时在10个不同的地方走秀。 “老佛爷”百货公司市场总监安妮-玛丽•高提耶说:“男女老少都会来参与走秀。我们的秀场要展现多样性。” 她说:“我们寻找的不是精英模特冠军,我们希望人们可以表达自己的时尚观。”她还强调,如今的设计师是“从街头寻找灵感。” 此次时装秀将分为六大主题:时尚、校园装、摇滚、魅惑、新潮波西米亚,以及街头运动。模特们会展示自己的服装,不过是由专业人士设计的。 意大利贝纳通集团这样的成衣品牌也曾聘请非专业模特走秀,日本时装设计师山本耀司也经常用这种方式展示他设计的男装系列。 网友评论
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