双语趣闻:300万英国男人涂脂抹粉The UK's Daily Express reported on September 25 that a new study has revealed more than three million men in the UK have confessed to wearing make-up。 The study made by Opinium Research, found that one in seven men -- self confessed " metrosexuals" -- use a variety of female cosmetics such as eyeliner, nail varnish and anti-ageing creams。 More than one in four of those who wear make-up claim they do so at least once a week -- the same number who say they would not feel comfortable going to a pub without any on, showed the study。 The study also found that more than a third of those wearing make-up borrow cosmetics from their wives or girlfriends -- with 40 percent of the women helping them to put it on。 The most popular products for men are hair dye, eye creams, anti-ageing products, eyeliner and fake tan. But they also admit to using concealer, face powder, nail varnish, lipstick and mascara。 Besides, they still take less time to get ready than women - an average of 21 minutes for a night out rather than 41 minutes for the average woman。 James Endersby, of Opinium Research, said: "Male celebrities are seen wearing 'manscara' and 'guyliner' and everybody thinks it's normal."、 据英国《每日快报》9月25日报道,一项最新调查发现,300多万英国男人坦言使用女性化妆品。 由英国Opinuim市场调研公司完成的调查发现,1/7的英国男人自认为是“都市美男”,经常使用各种女用美容产品,如眼线、指甲油和抗衰老面霜等。 调查显示,在爱涂脂抹粉的英国男士中,超过25%的人表示,每周至少化妆一次。同样比例的英国男士表示,不化妆就贸然去酒吧与朋友聚会,会让自己感觉浑身难受。 另外,调查还显示,1/3的化妆男士喜欢借用妻子或女友的化妆品,而40%的女性乐意帮这些男士化妆。 最热门的男性产品有染发剂、眼霜、抗衰老产品、眼线笔和“假晒色”,但是他们也承认有时会使用遮瑕膏、粉饼、口红和睫毛膏。 调查发现,英国男性化妆所用时间平均为21分钟,比女性的41分钟少得多。 研究负责人詹姆斯•恩德斯比说:“男性名人露面时常常涂睫毛膏和眼线,大众认为是正常现象。” 网友评论
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