老汉突发奇想 树篱笆竟造出火车头(图)![]() 老汉突发奇想 树篱笆竟造出火车头
When Jack Fisher, 72, began clipping the hedge outside his house in Ordseal, Nottinghamshire, two years ago he planned to make a steam locomotive。 两年前家住诺丁汉郡的72岁老汉杰克-费舍修剪自家屋外的树篱时,突发奇想地计划将树篱改造成蒸汽火车头的模样。 Now its shape is instantly recognisable to generations brought up on the tales by the Reverend W Awdry。 如今,杰克的树篱造型可谓惟妙惟肖,尤其对于那些看着《火车头托马斯和他的朋友们》长大的朋友们是再熟悉不过了。 网友评论
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