
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月28日 16:55   国际在线

  A food production company was ordered to pay nearly £17,000 after a man found a dead mouse in a loaf of bread as he made sandwiches for his children。


  Stephen Forse, of Kidlington, Oxfordshire, had already used some slices when he came across the mouse。


  "Initially I thought it was where the dough had not mixed properly prior to baking. As I looked closer I saw that the object had fur on it”


  Mr Forse said he had already used some of the bread when he noticed "a dark-coloured object embedded in the corner of three or four slices"。

  Environmental health officers visited the family's home to collect evidence。

  During the visit one of them identified it as a mouse minus its tail。

  "Her comments made me feel ill once again as there was no indication as to where the tail was," added Mr Forse。


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