
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月29日 13:37   环球时报

  Placing a magnet on your head can temporarily turn you from a right-hander to a left-handed person, a new study suggests。

  In an extraordinary experiment researchers used a powerful magnetic field to temporarily confuse the brains of volunteers and change their hand preferences. The effects lasted only while the magnet was switched on and appears to have caused no lasting changes。

  But the experiment sheds light on the origins of hand choice in the brain and highlights once again how easy it is to alter people's behavior with magnets. Earlier this year, a similar study showed that magnetic therapy can alter people's moral judgments - and make them behave more thoughtlessly。

  Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, asked right-handed volunteers to reach with either hand towards an object on a table。

  They then disrupted the volunteer's brain using a powerful hand-held magnet. When the magnet was placed on the left side of the brain region, the volunteers used their left hand more frequently than when the magnet was switched off. Applying the magnet to the right side of the region made no difference, the scientists report。







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