
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月29日 16:54   环球时报

  Aliens have landed, infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons, according to US military pilots。

  The beings have repeated their efforts in the US and have been active since 1948, the men said, and accused the respective governments of trying to keep the information secret。

  The unlikely claims were compiled by six former US airmen and another member of the military who interviewed or researched the evidence of 120 ex-military personnel. The information they have collected suggests that aliens could have landed on Earth as recently as seven years ago。

  The men's aim is to press the two governments to recognize the long-standing extra-terrestrial visits as fact. They are presented on Monday 27 September at a meeting in Washington。

  One of the men, Capt. Robert Salas, said he witnessed such an event first-hand on March 16, 1967, at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana which housed Minuteman nuclear missiles. Capt Salas continued: "I was on duty when an object came over and hovered directly over the site. The missiles shut down - 10 Minuteman missiles."







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