双语:26岁亿万富翁的私生活(组图)视频:美最年轻富豪华裔女友曝光 哈佛厕所结缘 媒体来源:辽宁电视台
According to Daily Mail September 27, Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg has given a rare glimpse into his private life - including the house he still rents with his long-term girlfriend. The 26-year-old billionaire allowed cameras into his home during an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show. His study only holds three chairs, a table and two wooden shelving units. Photo above shows Mark Zuckerberg shares a rented home with his girlfriend Priscilla Chan, whom he met at Harvard University。 据英国《每日邮报》27日报道,26岁的亿万富翁、Facebook创始人马克-扎克伯格非常罕见地通过《奥普拉脱口秀》(The Oprah Winfrey Show)节目揭示了自己的私人生活,向大家展示了和女友租住的房子。据影像记录,他的书房只有三把椅子、一张桌子和两套书架。上图为马克-扎克伯格和女友普里西拉-陈在哈佛大学相识,如今住在一个出租屋里。 扎克伯格在厨房。每天早晨他在这里学习中文。
Zuckerberg in the kitchen where he studies Chinese every morning 扎克伯格在厨房。每天早晨他在这里学习中文。 亿万富翁扎克伯格就住在这样一个距离工作场所很近的不起眼的出租屋里。
Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg lives in a modest rented house near his work 亿万富翁扎克伯格就住在这样一个距离工作场所很近的不起眼的出租屋里。 Zuckerberg is learning Chinese with a tutor for a holiday he plans to take to China with his girlfriend。 扎克伯格正在跟老师学中文,他打算和女友到中国度假。 网友评论
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