
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月30日 12:42   国际在线

  Michael Jackson's former bodyguard is claiming he donated sperm to the late pop star - and believes he could be the father of Jacko's son Blanket. Martial arts expert Matt Fiddes, 29, says he donated the sperm in 2001 after Jackson told him he wanted an 'athletic' child. Matt, of Barnstaple, Devon, claims the star offered him ?500,000 for the sperm but he turned the money down and donated it for free。

  近日,一位名叫马特菲兹(Matt Fiddes)英国保镖爆料自己于2001年捐献精子给天王杰克逊,自称是迈克尔·杰克逊8岁幼子“毛毯”布兰基特(Blanket)的亲生父亲。这位保镖还说,杰克逊当时向他“寻求”精子的时候说自己想要一个具有“运动细胞”的孩子。至于捐献精子的价钱呢,这位保镖说,尽管当时天王出价50万英镑获取他的精子,最终他还是拒绝了,他捐献精子分文未取。

  Matt remained friends with Jacko and as Blanket grew up Matt began to notice a number of similarities between them. He says Blanket turned into the 'spitting image' of him and his own daughter - and also took up martial arts.Matt says he cannot be sure if the child is his but says if Katherine Jackson - Blanket's grandmother and current legal guardian - dies while he is a child he will demand a DNA test and fight for access or even custody。



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