
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月30日 14:45   环球时报

  今日我们所讲的花瓶可不是家中摆设,而是指人,其特征是“绣花枕头一包草”。英语中对应叫法为Eye candy。

  A common slang term for visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention is eye candy. The implication is that they are eye-catching in a superficial fashion. Like actual "candy", this addition is seen to be neither nutritious nor substantial, but rather provides a potentially addictive appeal which will sustain the attention of a wider audience, possibly despite their better nature。


  The term may have been originated by interactive videodisc, user interface designers working at INTERAC Corp. in 1983. Their work integrated text, audio, graphics, photographic images, and video into a seamless presentation. The "eye candy" referred to visually appealing images supporting the overall message。

  Eye candy这个词初见于1983年,是由INTERAC公司的互动视盘、用户界面设计师首先使用的。他们将文本、音频、图标、照片以及视频融合成一个整体的展示界面,而eye candy指的就是为上述整体信息提供支持的视觉画面,这些画面通常都会设计得非常吸引人眼球。

  The term is also used to refer to actors or actresses perceived to have been cast primarily for the visual enjoyment of the audience. Various novels, articles, and stories have used this slang term to show a physical attraction one person has toward another。

  Eye candy“花瓶”也可以指代那些仅仅用来让观众赏心悦目的演员。很多小说和文章都曾经用这个词来表现一个人的外在吸引力。


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