男子洁癖成性 爬摩天大楼擦窗户(组图)男子爬上迪拜朱美拉海滩某幢摩天大楼擦窗户
According to Daily Mail September 30: When he spotted a mark on his apartment window, this chap just had to pop out to give the glass a quick wipe with a squeegee. Nothing odd about that – except that he lives 400 feet (about 122 meters) up on the 34th floor of a tower block in Jumeirah Beach, Dubai。 英国《每日邮报》9月30日报道:某人看到自己公寓窗户玻璃上有块污渍,便爬到窗户外面赶紧擦干净。这种事放在平时确实不足为怪,但如果是发生在迪拜朱美拉海滩某幢摩天大楼距地面122米的34层时,大概就不是小事一桩了。 网友评论
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