婚戒太丑 多数准新娘竟拒绝结婚

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月08日 14:45   国际在线

  It seems whoever said money can't buy you love, was wrong - at least when it comes to British women. A third would think twice about accepting a marriage proposal if they didn’t like the engagement ring, according to new research. Statistics that emerged today revealed that the nation’s females now have greater expectations than ever when it comes to their partner popping the question。

  常言道,多少金钱都不能买来真爱。估计这一句话不能用在当今的英国女士身上了,据调查,在英国,当求婚对象求婚时拿出的求婚“戒指” 与理想中的相距甚远时,有三分之一的女士会说“不”。调查显示当代妇女对于“结婚戒指”的期望值已经达到了顶峰。

  Material girl: 64 per cent of women admitted they would ask their partner to change the ring if it wasn’t to their taste. And it seems that the ring is now the most crucial part, with many women hoping for one that will rival those worn by bride-to-be celebrities like singer Katy Perry。


  It may have once been a simple symbol of love but 13 per cent of women now believe it reflects their social status as well as identity and their fiance’s career success.So, with all this to bear in mind, it comes as no surprise that fifteen percent of prospective brides-to-be said they hadn't been happy with the ring their fiance used to propose。


  Relationship expert Jo Barrett said the findings, from shopping channel QVC, showed how engagement rings had now become a status symbol.She explained: 'I think this shows that we do now live in a very materialistic society. 'There’s a lot of peer pressure - we see celebrities flashing their big diamond rings and everyone wants to be like a celebrity.'For some, it’s a status thing - wearing an engagement ring has become a competition。

  'For others it’s more personal and instead of seeing it as a simple gesture of love, some women take it as an indication of how much her partner values her or how well he knows her.'



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