英国情侣争相在“三十重合日”结婚(图)![]() 英国情侣争相在“三十重合日”结婚
Brides and grooms across the UK are staging a romantic rush to tie the knot on the most memorable date of the year.....10-10-10. All around the world, the attraction of saying 'I do' on an unforgettable date has sparked a massive rush by couples to organise their big day for the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year of the century。 More than 31,000 romantic couples are to get hitched this Sunday as the unique date proves to be the hottest day for a wedding this year。 Registry offices and churches have been booked up for months. Manchester's 163-year-old register office is opening on a Sunday for only the third time in its history so that six couples can get hitched。 And at Gretna Green, Scotland's famous wedding capital, a total of 38 weddings are due to take place compared to the average 10 for a typical Sunday in October。 In Nottinghamshire, seven couples will be saying their vows in a series of Las Vegas-style ceremonies at their local pub。 According to Brides magazine, at least 31,050 couples will be getting married this Sunday - almost twice the number of weddings on any other day during the month, and 10 times as many on a ‘normal’ Sunday。 The dash to mark the special day with a wedding is not confined to the UK。 Thousands of couples from Las Vegas to Singapore are also joining in the celebration of the auspicious date. In Singapore, a record 774 couples are planning to marry, compared to 70 on a normal Sunday。 Benefitting from the phenomenon that occurs only 12 times every 1,000 years, are hotels, whose ballroom schedules and honeymoon suite reservations are booked up, as well as airlines, whose passenger seats will be full of newly-married couples heading off to their honeymoon destinations。 The next most favoured wedding dates are 11-11-11 and 12-12-12, and after those dates any triple digit dates will not happen again until the year 3001. 英国各地的新娘和新郎们争相在今年最难忘的日子——2010年10月10日——喜结连理。 为了能在一个难忘的日子里说“我愿意”,世界各地的许多情侣都想赶在本世纪第十个年头的第十个月的第十天办喜事。 超过3.1万对浪漫情侣将在本周日结婚,这一独特的日子将是本年度最热门的结婚日。 婚姻登记所和教堂在几个月前就已经被预订满了。曼彻斯特有着163年历史的婚姻登记所将在周日开放,以让六对情侣能够登记结婚,这是该登记所有史以来第三次在周日开放。 在苏格兰著名的结婚之都格雷特纳格林镇一共将举行38场婚礼,而在十月份的一个寻常周日举行的婚礼一般为10场。 在诺丁汉郡,七对情侣将在当地酒吧举行拉斯维加斯风格的婚礼并在婚礼上宣读结婚誓词。 据《新娘》杂志的消息,本周日至少有3.105万对情侣结婚,婚礼数量几乎是本月其他任何一个日子里的两倍,也是一个“正常”周日所举行的婚礼数量的十倍。 并非只有英国人想赶在这一个特别的日子里举行婚礼。 从拉斯维加斯到新加坡,成千上万的情侣也将参与这一吉日的庆祝活动。在新加坡,774对情侣计划结婚,打破了历史记录,而一个普通的周日一般会有70对情侣结婚。 受益于这一每1000年才出现12次的特别日子,酒店的舞厅和蜜月套房都被预定满了,航空公司的飞机上也将载满去往蜜月旅行目的地的新婚夫妇。 下一个最受欢迎的结婚日是2011年11月11日和2012年12月12日,在那之后一直到3001年才会出现三个数字相同的日子。 网友评论
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