俄12女生拍性感挂历为普京庆生(组图)视频:俄罗斯女大学生拍性感日历为普京庆生 媒体来源:东方卫视
今年10月7日是俄罗斯总理普京58岁的生日,一群俄罗斯女大学生为了给普京庆生,专门拍摄和制作了一本她们身穿内衣的“性感挂历”,准备在普京生日当天送给他作为“生日礼物”,并借此向她们心目中的偶像“示爱”。这本“性感挂历”名为《弗拉基米尔•弗拉基米罗维奇,我们爱你!生日快乐,普京先生》,挂历中的12位美女均来自俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学新闻系,且都是志愿出镜,不收分文。该挂历一位制作人表示,拍摄性感挂历做生日贺礼是为了表明,这些美女不仅可以做模特,她们同时还有自己的政治主张,在自己的专业领域也取得了一些成就。据悉,该系列“性感挂历”已于本周二和周三分别在莫斯科两家大型超市公开发售,每册售价260卢布(约合8.71美元)。 ![]() 俄12女生拍性感挂历为普京庆生
![]() 群俄罗斯女大学生为了给普京庆生,专门拍摄和制作了一本她们身穿内衣的“性感挂历”
The Russian women are all named as journalism students at the Moscow State University。 Lingerie-clad students from a Moscow university have posed in an erotic calendar proclaiming their love for Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who turns 58 on Thursday. The calendar, called "Vladimir Vladimirovich, We love you. Happy Birthday Mr Putin," features twelve women wearing only underwear and pouting at the camera。 The Russian women are all named as journalism students at the Moscow State University and a spokeswoman for the faculty confirmed to AFP that the models study there。 Clad in a black lace negligee, Miss March, Lena Gornostayeva, wishes Putin a happy birthday with the message: "You put out the forest fires, but I'm still burning." Journalism faculty spokeswoman Larisa Bakulina slammed the calendar as a "work of erotic tastelessness." "We are not happy that they used the brand of the journalism faculty," she said. "It is tactless on the part of the publishers." One of the creators of the calendar, Maxim Perlin, 22, a producer at an Internet television channel, said that he put it together with a publisher, Vladimir Tabak。 The models posed for free, he told AFP, claiming the calendar had an empowering message。 "The idea of the calendar was to show girls who are not simply models who turn up for $100, but girls who have some political opinion, who have already achieved some success," he said。 Asked why the models were in underwear, he said: "In my opinion it's more beautiful and more interesting." Fifty thousand copies of the calendar went on sale on Tuesday at Auchan hypermarkets, Perlin told AFP. "We hope it will have some commercial success." On Wednesday a stack of the calendars, costing 260 roubles each ($8.71) was on sale at a hypermarket on Leninsky Prospekt in southern Moscow。 网友评论
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