泰坦尼克号将出3D版 悼念沉船百周年

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月09日 10:15   国际在线

  Hollywood blockbuster Titanic is to be released in 3D to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the ship's sinking. The 1997 epic, staring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as doomed lovers on the ill fated ocean liner, will be released in 2012. Its release is timed with the 100 year anniversary of the real-life disaster on April 15th 2012 which claimed over 1,500 lives。


  Digital experts have already carried out tests on footage from the film to see what it looks like converted into the 3D format. Titanic producer Jon Landau said they wanted to make sure they got the process right. 'It's a time-consuming process, and we want to do it right,' he said。


  Converting a movie is not a technical process,it's a creative process that has technology behind it. 'There were eight or nine companies used on the test, so we could compare。



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