美国大一女生拍色情片 大方秀学生证Elizabeth Hawkenson, a university student who acted in a porn flick, lost her scholarship after the university got word of her internet porn venture。 Hailing from Copperas Cover, Texas, 18-year-old Elizabeth Hawkenson, a student of geology at the Arizona State University, acted in few of the internet porn clips in order to raise funds for her course。 Although, Elizabeth Hawkenson was paid $2000 for it, it cost her $33,000 scholarship after an alumnus of the same university wrote an anonymous letter to the University board condemning her behavior and called for axing her scholarship。 腐朽堕落之风劲吹美国校园,一名刚上大一的女学生不但去拍A片,甚至还在影片中大方秀出学生证。现在她所要付出的代价不仅是可能失去3.3万美元的奖学金,还可能被退学。 这位名叫伊丽莎白-霍金森(Elizabeth Hawkenson)的女大学生,就读亚利桑那州立大学地质学系一年级。她在“兼职”的影片中面带微笑,十分坦然地亮出自己的学生证,来证明她已经年满 18岁。影片中的男主角向她保证,日后她必成色情大明星,日进斗金!完事后伊丽莎白得到了2千美元。 Hence, the University board revoked her scholarship and is considering the proposal of expelling Hawkenson from the University put forward by the letter。 However, Elizabeth Hawkenson denied the cancellation of her scholarship quoting that she is still the recipient of the scholarship and is pursuing her studies at the Arizona State University while living in a dormitory。 这支放在付费色情网站的影片,被亚利桑那州立大学一名学生向校方检举,指伊莉莎白违反校规,应撤销奖学金。伊丽莎白坦承曾靠“出镜”来赚学费,不过她否认自己被取消了奖学金,称自己至今仍住在宿舍继续学业。 网友评论
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