麦当娜性感广告照“原版”泄露 令人咋舌

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月11日 16:32   国际在线

  The fact that you weren’t supposed to see Madonna’s chicken cutlet cheeks and sinewy arms, without them first being glossed over with an airbrush, is no real surprise。

  Pictures leaked, last week, that showed the singer looking haggard. Well, looking her actual age. And that’s got the 52-year-old hopping mad. Well, okay. She’s more punching mad if that’s a real thing. MADONNA, SMASH。


  We’re probably going to get our faces smashed in for just mentioning this. So forgive us for typing this on our iPhones while hiding behind the hecklerspray High School bike sheds. We’re going to tell you lovely folk about Madonna’s ropey-armed rage attack after unauthorised images from her recent Dolce & Gabbana campaign were release to her embarrassment. And then we’re going to run for the hills leaving nothing but clouds of dust and urine stains behind us。

  Apparently when Madonna spied those unretouched photos of her from a Dolce & Gabbana ad campaign, leaked on the Internet, the superstar went super-crazy with anger. As a result there’s an intense investigation under way to discover who was responsible for letting the world see the Material Mom looking so haggard。

  日前麦当娜为名牌Dolce & Gabbana拍摄平面广告,仅穿塑身内衣和黑色丝袜,拼命挤出乳沟卖弄性感,让人感慨她依旧风韵犹存。但在当时就被爆料,这样的美貌是靠修图修出来的!

  The ‘unretouched’ photos wouldn’t be the biggest deal, if this didn’t happen every single time Madonna shot one of these campaigns。

  Each time the singer poses for a shoot, within days, there’s a scandal about the obnoxious amounts of Photoshop it takes to make her look human/ female/ under 105-years-old。

  Don’t misunderstand. She looks perfectly fine in the daily candids showing her feeding from the life-force of her 20-something boy-toys. She doesn’t, however, look fine in the leaked images. She looks positively ghoulish in some of them; gaunt, pale and veiny。



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