An oil-splattered BP engineer's boiler suit has become one of the most successful Halloween costumes in the United States。 More than 10,000 of the outfits have been sold in the approach to this year's October 31 holiday, which Americans are renowned for celebrating elaborately。 Its manufacturer claimed the success of the costume showed people across the US remained angry at the oil giant for its handling of the Deepwater Horizon disaster earlier this year。 An estimated 185 million gallons of oil were spilt into the Gulf of Mexico after an explosion in April on the BP rig, which also killed 11 workers。 "The Halloween business reflects the world we live in," said Alan Geller, the executive vice-president of Fun World. "We like to add a bit of social commentary to the celebrations." "The holiday is about horror, and people are horrified at BP's actions," he told The Daily Telegraph. "Several lives and billions of dollars from people's livelihoods were lost." Mr Geller said the New York firm, which also created the ghost mask used in the Scream films, had been inundated with orders for the costumes from shops and websites across the country。 He promised to donate some of the company's profits from the boiler suits to a charity aimed at helping people who had lost out due to the oil spill。 英国石油公司工程师的一套溅满油污的连衫裤工作服最近成为美国最热销的万圣节服饰之一。 在临近10月31日万圣节期间,这种工作服已售出一万多套。美国人向来以精心庆祝万圣节著称。 制造商称,工作服热销表明全美民众仍然对这家石油巨头今年早些时候对“深海地平线”漏油事故的处理耿耿于怀。 今年四月,英国石油公司一个钻井平台爆炸,导致11名工人丧生,据估计另有1.85亿加仑原油泄露进墨西哥湾。 制造商“欢乐世界”公司执行副总裁艾伦•盖勒说:“万圣节经济能映射现实。我们喜欢在节日庆祝中略微加些社会元素”。 他在接受《每日电讯报》采访时说:“万圣节的主题是恐怖,而大家觉得英国石油公司的所作所为确实很吓人。事故不仅造成多人丧生,还使数十亿美元财富毁于一旦。” 盖勒先生称,来自全美各地商店和网站的工作服订单令公司应接不暇。他所在的这家纽约公司还曾为影片《夺命狂呼》制作恐怖面具。 他承诺将把公司制作工作服的部分收益捐献给一家慈善团体,该团体旨在帮助漏油事故的受害者。 网友评论
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