专家称两年内进行子宫移植 男人怀孕或成真According to the Dailyexpress of October 10, Swedish scientists are on the brink of a womb transplant which will let infertile women become pregnant. Following successful animal trials, doctors hope to try the transplant with a human within two years。 The results of the trials, which involved highly complex surgery and new anti-rejection drugs, will be announced at a meeting with potential patients next week。 "Until now no one has been able to prove pregnancy is possible after transplantation. We have overcome one of the last steps in achieving this and our aim is to get a human pregnancy using these techniques within two years," said Professor Mats Brännström, chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Sweden’s University of Gothenburg, "This is a clinical situation comparable to transplantation between unrelated humans." The work has raised the prospect of creating a male pregnancy with a donor's uterus and fertility treatment, however Dr Diaz-Garcia insisted: "We are not carrying out work in this area." The doctor predicted that in the future wombs could be harvested from people who are brain-dead, living donors or even relatives to minimize the risk of rejection。 The transplanted womb would be connected to the recipient's blood supply and would stay in place only long enough for a woman to have the children she wanted。 Any baby would have to be delivered by Caesarean section as a transplanted human womb would be unlikely to withstand natural labour. During the C-section the womb could be removed at the same time, thereby minimising the risk of side effects from longer term use of anti-rejection drugs。 据英国《每日快报》10月10报道,瑞典科学家已经找到了成功移植子宫的奥秘,可以让不孕妇女怀上身孕。科学家已经在动物身上成功进行移植手术,他们计划两年内在人体上尝试此项手术。 此项试验涉及高复杂性的手术和新发明的抗排异药物,试验结果将在下周举行的“潜在病人”会议中被公布出来。 瑞典哥德堡大学产科和妇科系主任马茨•布兰斯特罗姆教授宣布:“到目前为止还没有人可以证明移植手术后能带来妊娠的可能。我们已经克服了实验最后阶段的困难,目标是在两年内使用此项技术实现人体受孕。就让两个不想关的人实现受孕来说,此项试验还处于临床阶段。” 此次试验还提出建议利用捐赠的子宫和受孕治疗,让男性怀上身孕。但是迪亚兹•加西亚博士声称还未将此项试验用于男性受孕。教授预测未来将会有大量脑死亡但是活性子宫捐赠者,甚至还有亲属捐赠者以降低移植排斥的风险。 (通过手术),将捐赠子宫上的血管和不孕妇女体内血管连接起来,从而使捐赠子宫获得充足的血液供应。捐赠子宫会在不孕妇女体内呆上足够长的时间,直到她成功怀上身孕。 由于移植子宫不能承受自然分娩造成的肌肉压力,所以通过移植子宫孕育的婴儿,都必须通过剖腹产手术接生出来。子宫移植妇女一旦通过移植子宫生儿育女后,她体内移植的捐赠器官必须在接受剖腹产的同时被摘除,以降低长期服用抗排异药产生的副作用。 网友评论
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