
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月13日 16:56   国际在线

  Justin Bieber arrived at the airport in Hawaii yesterday wearing a pair of very geeky thick black-rimmed glasses。


  The pint-sized popstar was en route to Tokyo, and he clearly wanted to make sure he landed there looking cutting edge。

  This isn't the first time the 16-year-old has worn glasses out in public, with a red pair and a white pair that he's experimented with in the past。

  Bizarrely, the white plastic specs comprised of just the oversized frames and had no glass in them at all。



  But, let's face it, at this point Bieber is so adored by his fans that he could step out in a bin bag and still get mobbed。

  The pop star wowed the crowds when he attended the Jewish wedding of his guitar player and musical director Dan Kanter in Toronto on Sunday。

  To the delight of the wedding guests, Bieber grabbed the microphone and took to the stage to belt out a few songs。

  Accompanied by two very foxy backing singers, he sang and danced on stage。

  The groom soon reclaimed the spotlight by picking up a guitar and playing along with the star, who had taken off his yarmulke to get down on stage。


  Despite his energy, Bieber is clearly exhausted by all the travelling he's doing as part of his My World tour。

  And he took to Twitter to talk about it。

  He says: 'crazy we lost a day in the air. basically flown around the world in the last 2 weeks. middle of the night here but my body is confused. lol。

  'Very excited because back home its Tuesday morning and my book is finally out!!!! First Step 2 Forever!'


  The Baby star is also releasing a line of nail polishes inspired by his hit songs。



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