哈利波特百老汇演歌剧 爆料14岁初恋Daniel Radcliffe is about to embark on a run in the Broadway musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, and he's getting ready for success. The actor has reportedly splashed out more than $150,000 on state-of-the-art party facilities, including mood lighting and a sound system, for his home in New York, which he bought a year ago but has not yet lived in。 告别魔法世界的“哈利波特”丹尼尔-雷德克里夫即将转换身份,在百老汇载歌载舞,出演歌舞剧,最近他不惜砸下重金150,000美元,将一年前在纽约买下的新家装潢一新,加装艺术气息浓郁设施,以便今后在此举行热闹的派对,而目前,丹尼尔还未曾入住此居。 A source told the Daily Star newspaper: “Daniel’s flying out to New York for the musical and will let rip with girls as he is single and a long way away from his family and best friends。 “He’s created a cool, stylish bachelor pad to bring home beautiful girls, when he wishes. He called in a fancy interior designer to create special lighting, soft furnishings and a banging music system, to get the party started。 “His house is absolutely amazing and would impress any lady friend he invites over。” Daniel, 21, has already admitted he isn’t sure he will be able to resist the charms of his co-stars and the show’s dancers when he moves out to New York。 远离亲友、孤身一人在纽约打拼得丹尼尔有了宽松的机会与环境结识女孩。“他将家装修成一个酷劲十足、摩登现代的单身公寓,这样可以博得女友的好感。他加装了豪华的照明系统的音响装备,便于适时的营造出浪漫气氛。这样的环境无疑将为女性留下绝佳印象。” He said: “I’ve been in relationships from the age of 14 and now I’m single。 “I said to a friend the other day, ‘Dude, I’m doing a show with dancers. I’ve got to be single.’ “He said, ‘Don’t sleep with anyone in your show. That’s a mistake’. It’s good advice. But I’m not sure I’ll stick to it。” 21岁的丹尼尔承认,要将舞台共事演员与舞者的魅力拒之千里之外是件很难的事情。他说:“从十四岁开始,我就有了恋爱的经历,而现在刚好也单身。有天我还告诉一个朋友,合作歌舞剧,我必须得单身。他劝告我不要对同事滥情,但是我不确定自己能够把持住。” Daniel has previously appeared on Broadway in the play Equus in 2008, in which he appeared fully nude。 In How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying he will play J. Pierrepont Finch, who goes from a window cleaner to a mailroom employee who then quickly rises to the top of the corporate ladder to become vice-president of advertising at the Worldwide Wicket Company。 2008年,丹尼尔已经登上过百老汇的舞台,在《马语者》中,他更是献出了极具争议性的“全裸演出”。 网友评论
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