克里斯蒂娜婚姻亮红灯 丈夫更像朋友

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月13日 17:11   国际在线

  Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman are going their separate ways, reports Us magazine. The two have been married 5 years and have apparently been living apart over the last few months. Now they're deciding if they'll divorce。

  A source said: “They are now living apart, and they will see how that goes。”


  According to friends of the couple – who have a two-year-old son Max - there was no major incident that triggered the split, but they had grown apart in recent months and attempts to revive their relationship had failed。


  A source said: “They were very much in love. But over the last six months, it became clear they were more like friends than husband and wife. Christina even proposed their August trip to Italy to rekindle their relationship, but it didn’t help。”


  Despite their separation, the couple are continuing to focus their attentions on Max, with the 29-year-old singer even taking him to the recording studio with her while she works on the soundtrack to her forthcoming movie Burlesque。


  The insider said their son is their "main concern." And: “Christina is doing her best to be a great mom. She has a lot to juggle, but she’s learning how to make it work and balance it all。”



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