双语:被割鼻阿富汗女孩整容后首度亮相An Afghan teenager who was horribly mutilated by her husband under Taliban rule was all smiles as she unveiled her new prosthetic nose for the first time。 惨遭割耳鼻的阿富汗女孩爱莎,因为登上《时代》杂志封面而备受世人关注。近日,爱莎在美国接受整容手术后首度亮相,微笑驱散阴霾。 Aisha, 19, shocked the world when she appeared on the cover of Time Magazine to lift the veil on the plight of many women in Afghanistan。 Yesterday, she bravely faced the public wearing a prosthetic nose - one that gives her some idea of how she will look after having reconstructive surgery。 19岁的爱莎在媒体镜头前勇敢地展示了她的新鼻子,她的微笑是对所有关爱她的人最好的鼓励。爱莎在昨日接受了美国加州州长阿诺-施瓦辛格夫人玛丽亚-施莱沃为她颁发的“忍耐之心”奖章。玛丽亚称,这是该奖项首次颁发给这样一位忍耐超凡痛苦却依然葆有爱心的女士。 She went before the TV cameras to receive the Enduring Heart award at a benefit for the Grossman Burn Foundation - the Los Angeles-based organisation that paid for her surgery。 She was given the award by California first lady Maria Shriver。 Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife told the audience: 'This is the first Enduring Heart award given to a woman whose heart endures and who shows us all what it means to have love and to be the enduring heart.' 现年19岁的爱莎为了偿还“血债”于2009年嫁给了一名塔利班武装分子。由于遭到婆家的虐待,爱莎选择了逃跑但不幸被抓回,在塔利班指挥官命令下,丈夫割掉了她的鼻子和耳朵。后来在家人的帮助下,爱莎来到了美国。在美国加州克罗斯曼-伯恩基金会的帮助下,爱莎成功接受了整容手术。这次,她终于能够以完整的面貌示人。 Aisha, whose surname has not been revealed, replied: 'Thank you so much.' When Aisha was 12, her father promised her in marriage to a Taliban fighter to pay a debt. She was handed over to his family who abused her and forced her to sleep in the stable with the animals。 When she attempted to flee, she was caught and her nose and ears were hacked off by her husband as punishment。 'When they cut off my nose and ears, I passed out. In the middle of the night it felt like there was cold water in my nose。 'I opened my eyes and I couldn't even see because of all the blood,' she told CNN reporter Atia Abawi。 在接受媒体采访时,爱莎回忆道:被割掉鼻子和耳朵后,我晕了过去。醒来时,血已经糊住了整张脸,眼睛无法睁开。这段噩梦般的经历至今依然时不时冲击着爱莎,这次鼻子的修复成功让她多了许多笑容,年轻的灵魂似乎已经从苦难的命运诅咒中解脱了出来。 网友评论
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