
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月13日 17:22   国际在线

  An Afghan teenager who was horribly mutilated by her husband under Taliban rule was all smiles as she unveiled her new prosthetic nose for the first time。


  Aisha, 19, shocked the world when she appeared on the cover of Time Magazine to lift the veil on the plight of many women in Afghanistan。

  Yesterday, she bravely faced the public wearing a prosthetic nose - one that gives her some idea of how she will look after having reconstructive surgery。


  She went before the TV cameras to receive the Enduring Heart award at a benefit for the Grossman Burn Foundation - the Los Angeles-based organisation that paid for her surgery。

  She was given the award by California first lady Maria Shriver。

  Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife told the audience: 'This is the first Enduring Heart award given to a woman whose heart endures and who shows us all what it means to have love and to be the enduring heart.'


  Aisha, whose surname has not been revealed, replied: 'Thank you so much.'

  When Aisha was 12, her father promised her in marriage to a Taliban fighter to pay a debt. She was handed over to his family who abused her and forced her to sleep in the stable with the animals。

  When she attempted to flee, she was caught and her nose and ears were hacked off by her husband as punishment。

  'When they cut off my nose and ears, I passed out. In the middle of the night it felt like there was cold water in my nose。

  'I opened my eyes and I couldn't even see because of all the blood,' she told CNN reporter Atia Abawi。



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