
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月14日 19:02   国际在线

  Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are believed to be expecting their first child, and though they haven't confirmed anything yet, Nick revealed he and the singer have been thinking about possible names since they first met。

  Nick, who married Mariah in April 2008, said: “We’ve been naming our kids since the day we met. I can’t give you that though, you’re trying to get me in trouble with my wife!”

  尽管当事人并未开口承认,但乐坛天后玛利亚-凯莉与老公尼克-坎农即将为人父母已似乎成为不争的事实。 而据男方透露,自初次见面起,未来宝宝的名字就已经是两人所考虑的问题了。在2008年4月与玛利亚闪电成婚的尼克告诉媒体,“从约会一开始,我们就在为孩子们取名字。我当然不会告诉你具体的细节,否则这会使玛利亚会让我有麻烦的。”

  The 30-year-old star also believes the singer will be a better parent than him。

  He added to OK! magazine: “She’s going to be amazing. I will be a good dad too, but she’s such a nurturing spirit, she’ll be good。”

  Nick also revealed if he was having a baby he knows exactly how he would decorate the nursery。

  He said: “Lots of colors, yeah, I’m pretty sure there’d be some rainbows on the wall。”


  Mariah, 40, further fuelled pregnancy rumors when she failed to show up for Nick’s birthday bash in Los Angeles on Saturday. She did attend his first party in New York on Friday, however, wearing a bulky coat -- and she refused the offer of champagne。



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