调查:多数人一周之中星期二心情最差If you woke up this morning thinking the toughest day of the week had been and gone, you were wrong. Mondays may have long been thought of as miserable, but we’re more likely to feel down in the dumps on a Tuesday. According to researchers from the London School of Economics, our moods are at their brightest on Saturday, with the weekend feelgood factor continuing into Sunday。 放松了一个周末后,“痛苦”的星期一即将来到,可是星期一真的是7天人们感到最最最郁闷的一天吗?其实不然。有调查显示,星期二才是一个星期中最让人郁闷的一天,调查还指出,人们最开心的星期六(因为还有星期日等着我们),接下来才到星期日(比起星期六,星期日的我们没那么开心了,因为快要上班了)。 But while levels of contentment drop when the working week begins on Monday, it is on Tuesday that we reach our lowest ebb. Academics used an iPhone application called Mappiness to log the moods of 22,000 participants over two months。 虽然调查显示的“一周心情数据线”从星期一开始就已经呈现“下滑趋势”,然而,星期二经过证实才是数据线的“谷底”。据悉,这项调查是通过iPhone的一款应用程序“Mappiness”来针对2万多参与者进行调查的,这项调查耗时2个月。 The data was collated by sending alerts to volunteers’ mobile phones twice a day. The messages asked how they felt, who they were with, where they were and what they were doing. Using satellite navigation systems, their exact locations were also logged – allowing the scientists to pinpoint the happiest parts of the country。 应用程序“Mappiness”有就神奇的功能,就是能够“记录幸福”。通过应用程序,用户可以描绘出他们一天的感受(在这种情况下, 幸福程度显然是由用户定义的)。通过每隔两天发短信给参与的志愿者询问他们开心与否,同时还运用了先进的“卫星导航系统”来确定参与者的位置,从而调查出全国位于哪的部分的人们过得最开心。 网友评论
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