
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月15日 11:48   国际在线

  You've heard of finger printing, passport photos and eye recognition - but the latest airport security measures could see your EARS being scanned to prove your identity. Researchers have discovered that every person has uniquely-shaped ears and have formulated a way to scan them to compare them with images already compiled in a database。

  身份识别的方式让您眼花缭乱,什么指纹识别、护照照片识别、眼睛识别等等,但是最新的机场安检身份识别的手段还是会让您“大跌眼镜”,“耳朵” 有望替代“指纹”成为另外一种身份鉴定方式在机场得到应用。专家分析,因人的“耳朵”具有独一无二的特性,研究人缘根据“因人而异的耳朵”发明了一套扫描系统来进行身份识别。

  This latest idea in biometrics could supplement other security techniques like iris scanning already being employed to combat the threat of terrorism and illegal immigration。


  He explained: 'There are a whole load of structures in the ear that you can use to get a set of measurements that are unique to an individual. 'With biometrics, a lot of the problems is what happens when people get old. With facial recognition, the systems are often confused by crows' feet and other signs of ageing. 'Your ears, however, age very gracefully.'The UK Passport Service has been trialling facial recognition technology at London Stansted Airport for the past two years along with retina scanning. Another problem with facial recognition is that software can only cope with an unchanged neutral facial expression and struggles with happy or sad faces, or even make-up。


  Researchers say ear scans are as individual as fingerprints and could be added to biometric chips in the new generation British passports However, the ear scan system is apparently 99.6 per cent accurate。



  security n. 安全;保证

  techniques n. 技术(technique的复数);方法;技巧


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