双语环球:英国啃老族群体壮大More than one in 10 UK teenagers has been left without a job or college place, despite 11 years of compulsory education, figures show。 最新数据显示,英国超过十分之一的青少年毕业后没有工作或继续读大学——尽管他们已接受了十一年的义务教育。 The number of 16- to 18-year-olds branded as “Neet” – not in education, employment or training – has risen amid growing fears that school-leavers are bearing the brunt of job shortages in the recession。 这些既没读书、也没工作或接受任何培训的16岁至18岁的青少年被称为“啃老族”。随着“啃老族”群体的日趋壮大,人们越来越担心这些辍学者在经济衰退时期会首当其冲受到就业岗位减少的影响。 Some 261,000 young people had no job or training place, according to official data. The figure rose to 1,082,000 among 16- to 24-year-olds。 根据英国官方统计数据,目前英国约有21.6万青年没有工作或接受培训。在16至24岁的人群中,这一数字为108.2万。 The Conservatives branded the figures “shocking”。 英国保守党称这一数据“令人震惊”。 David Willetts, the shadow skills secretary, said: "It is a damning indictment of the Government's failure to help young people during the recession。 英国影子内阁的教育技能大臣大卫•威利茨说:“这是政府在经济衰退时期没能很好地帮助年轻人所酿成的严重后果。” 网友评论
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