泰勒-摩森穿黑蕾丝 拿双枪登封面

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月18日 13:16   国际在线

  This won't do much to quieten her critics: Gun toting Taylor Momsen poses in lingerie for Revolver magazine

  Seems that even though she's only 17 she's already a veteran when it comes to courting controversy。

  Taylor Momsen often takes heat for her overtly sexy look and choice of clothing and her latest magazine cover will do nothing to quieten the critics。

  The Gossip Girl actress poses, holding a rifle and a hand gun, with her usual thick black eye make-up and with her over-bleached blonde hair cascading around her shoulders, clad in lace topped black stockings and suspenders and barely there lingerie。

  Topping off her entirely age-inappropriate ensemble the teenager teeters on some sky-high stripper style perspex and patent heels。

  Momsen glares at the camera with her regular contrived bored teenager sneer, with the rifle slung over her shoulder and handgun pointing to the floor。

  The star loves to play-up her 'dangerous' 'edgy' image, admitting during interviews to everything from owning a vibrator to carrying a knife - apparently she 'relaxes by opening and closing a switchblade'。

  And she gives little thought to the parents worried that she could be a negative influence on impressionable teenage daughters。

  尽管只有17岁,泰勒-摩森(Taylor Momsen)已经饱受公众的批评了。她过于夸张卖弄性感的扮相、怪异的衣装风格总能点燃那些忧心忡忡家长的怒火,不过,摩森依然故我。在最新一期的《Revolver》杂志封面上,泰勒-摩森依然选择褪去衣衫,露出性感黑丝,脚上蹬的鞋子也实在是够夸张。最让家长们不能接受的是,她居然一手拿一把来福枪,一手拿一把手枪。配上摩森极具代表性的深黑眼圈和过度漂泊的长发,在美国这个人人持枪的国度里,父母们的愤怒不言自明。

  'To be honest, I don’t f****** care,' she said in an interview earlier this year。

  'I didn’t get into this to be a role model. So I'm sorry if I’m influencing your kids in a way that you don’t like, but I can’t be responsible for their actions. I don’t care.'

  And it's not only her clothing choices and image that have come under fire。

  Project Runway star Tim Gunn slammed the actress after appearing on the set of Gossip Girl recently, branding her an unprofessional brat。

  When asked about working with the teen, he said: 'What a diva! She was pathetic, she couldn't remember her lines, and she didn't even have that many。

  'I thought to myself, "Why are we all being held hostage by this brat?"

  'I'd say: "You know young lady, there are hundreds of thousands of girls who are just as attractive and even smarter than you. Why are you acting like this show is a huge burden on you?"

  'She was on her phone during every break, I wanted to tell her, "If you weren't on your BlackBerry, you could retain this stuff"'

  The actress / singer has been modelling since she was 14, when she was signed to the top agency, IMG Models。

  It was revealed in July that she had been chosen as the face of Madonna's clothing line Material Girl, that she produces with daughter Lourdes and sells exclusively through U.S. department store Macy's。

  The former child star recently revealed that she fired her stylist as she felt they were dressing her too conservatively and wholesome。

  She says she now makes all her own style choices, something she feels allows her to fully express her creative side。

  She told MTV: 'I think firing my stylist has allowed me to be more free。

  'I was getting moulded into this thing that wasn’t who I am.'

  The star, who also fronts her own band, The Pretty Reckless, explained that she dresses for herself, rather than to be provocative, and likens choosing her clothes to dressing her doll collection。

  'I do myself up kind of like a doll. I have a doll collection and I look at their outfits and kind of imitate them。

  'I still wear pieces from when I was in f*****g middle school,' she added - which, given her age, wasn't all that long ago。


  不是人人都敢穿吊带袜上街的,泰勒-摩森便是其中之一。在前不久的《MAKE ME WANNA DIE》MV中,泰勒穿着随意,边走边唱边脱,最后身上只剩下贴身的内衣和丝袜。在全民皆娱乐化的时代,泰勒-摩森作为个体来说是幸运的,她迎合了出版社和公众的消费需求,但作为公众人物,她是不及格的。


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