科特妮闹离婚 老公后悔口无遮拦David Arquette announced his separation from Courtney Cox-Arquette this week after 11 years of marriage, but he wishes he'd been a little more private about the split。 He wrote on his Twitter page: “Thank you all for your love and support at this time. I'm trying figuring out how to be the best person I can be, but it's been a process of trial and error。 明星夫妻柯特妮-考克斯与大卫-阿奎特有可能结束十一年的婚姻,这是当下好莱坞的最热门的话题,而先来看来事态又因男方在接受采访时的口无遮拦进一步升级。昨天,大卫-阿奎特更新了自己的twitter,他写道:“感谢大家的关心与支持,我在努力尽我所能成为一个优秀的人,而这是一个不断尝试与犯错的过程。” “I went on Howard Stern to provide clarity and honesty about what I'm experiencing but while doing that I shared too much ... it's alright for me to be honest about my own feelings but in retrospect some of the information I provided involved others and for that I am sorry and humbled … Life is a process of spiritual evolution。” 大卫-阿奎特和柯特妮-考克斯共同抚养有一个六岁的女儿,他相信分居对于女方会更好。他写到,“我相信,柯特妮和我都会熬过这段痛苦时间,写到一些道理,成为更优秀的人。” “我接受了霍华德-斯特恩的采访,目的是为了澄清和坦白一些我目前所经历的事情,但似乎我说得有些太多了。忠于自己的感受这无可厚非,但是我所透露的这些信息涉及到了其他人,我并没有考虑这些人的感受,对此我十分的抱歉。生活就是这样一个在精神上不断进步的过程。” The Hollywood star, who has a six-year-old daughter Coco with Courteney, believes he and his estranged wife will become better people because of the split。 He tweeted: “I'm sure Courteney and myself will emerge from this painful time better people for what we've learned。” However, Courteney, 46, is said to be unsurprised by David’s candid interview and doesn’t want to get caught up in any “ridiculousness。” A source said: “She knows who David and what he’s like. She married him. All that he said, and how he said it, that’s David。 有消息称,科特妮并没有因大卫口无遮拦的采访而感到十分意外,而她也不想参与到这些“荒谬”之中,“她了解大卫是一个怎么样的人,毕竟这是他的男人,不管他说了什么,怎么说的,这都是大卫十分本色的表现。” “Does she wish she could edit what comes out of his mouth? Sure. But nothing surprises her at this point. What’s amazing about Courteney is that she doesn’t get caught up in the ridiculousness。” “她是否愿意把大卫说出来的话重新整理一遍?那是当然,不过在现在这个时候,没有什么事情还能让他看到意外了。不过令人惊讶的是科特妮并不想陷入这场‘口水仗’之中。” 网友评论
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