癌症纯属现代人为制造 古代癌症罕见

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月19日 10:56   国际在线

  Is the common nature of cancer worldwide purely a man-made phenomenon? That is what some researchers now suggest。


  Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, however, scientists have only found one case of the disease in investigations of hundreds of Egyptian mummies, researcher Rosalie David of the University of Manchester in England said in a statement。


  "This might be related to the prevalence of carcinogens in modern societies," write Rosalie David and Michael Zimmermann of Villanova University, Pennsylvania. Cancers are "limited to societies that are affected by modern lifestyle issues, such as tobacco use and pollution resulting from industrialization"。


  In a review of published analyses of tens of thousands of ancient skeletons and hundreds of mummies, David and Zimmermann found only a handful of cases of cancer. One recent finding, of colorectal cancer, was identified as the first ever discovered in a mummy. They also examined ancient texts and literature from Egypt and Greece, and say that there's little sign that cancer was a common ailment。


  A quote from David put out by the University of Manchester saying "there is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle" caused particular consternation。


  Still, other specialists in cancer and in human fossils have strong doubts about this view. "Cancer is very rare in modern societies in humans under age 30," said oncologist John Glaspy at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. "In ancient times, people rarely lived to be much older than that. So cancer was rare. The 'sin' of modern societies is having people live to be much older."

  但是,癌症以及化石研究领域的专家对此持强烈反对。“现代社会中,30岁以下的癌症患者非常少见,” 加利福利亚大学洛杉矶分校Jonsson综合癌症中心的肿瘤学家约翰-格兰斯潘说。“在古代,很少有人活到壮年。所以癌症病例也就少见。而现代社会的‘罪恶’就是让人们活得时间更长了一些而已。”


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