双语:勇敢男子爬到狮背上“耳语”(组图)男子驯兽有道 竟爬到雄狮背上耳语
Snuggling up to a fully grown male lion seems foolish enough. To then climb on its back is surely suicide。 和一头成年雄狮亲密依偎似乎是愚蠢之举,爬到狮子背上无疑就是自杀。 凯文-理查森对自己的安全信心满满
But as you can see, Kevin Richardson enjoys doing just that – and insists his actions are perfectly safe。 但如你所见,凯文-理查森就喜欢这么做,而且对自己的安全信心满满。 这位34岁的动物行动主义者在南非的约翰内斯堡附近开了一个环保公园
The 34-year-old animal behaviourist runs a conservation park near Johannesburg in South Africa where he also keeps cheetahs and hyenas。 这位34岁的动物行动主义者在南非的约翰内斯堡附近开了一个环保公园,除了狮子外,还养有猎豹和鬣狗。 网友评论
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