麦当娜爱上幼齿男 夜店激吻不避嫌

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月19日 17:52   国际在线

  Madonna was most recently in a relationship with 24-year-old model Jesus Luz, but apparently she's seeing someone new! The pop star was spotted kissing and laughing with Brahim Zaibat, who is believed to be around 20 years younger than her, in New York last Thursday。

  当初,天后麦当娜与二十四岁的巴西男模Jesus Luz恋情曝光之际,天后不躲不藏,毫不掩饰cougar本性,而如今看来她又另结新欢了,新目标是一位名叫Brahim Zaibat的男舞者,年龄要比麦当娜小二十岁左右,上周末被人目击两人牵手拍拖夜店作乐。

  A source at nightspot SL said: "They came in together and were holding hands in a private area. Madonna got up and was dancing for an hour straight before going back to her man. They immediately started making out in front of other guests."

  They later moved on to Sullivan Room, where they happily danced together and showed their affection for one another。

  A source told the New York Post newspaper: "After working the dance floor, they found more private seating where they hugged and kissed for the rest of the night."


  Friends of Brahim -- who was initially misidentified as another dancer, Brahim Rachiki -- say the pair have been dating several months but have wanted to keep the romance under wraps。

  One pal told website X17online: "They've been seeing each other for a few months but really keeping it on the down low. Madonna did not want this getting out before she had time to see if things were really going to work out between her and Brahim or not. Things have been going well so she was about to go public with the relationship anyway."


  It is unknown when Madonna -- who has four children, Lourdes, 13, Rocco, 10, David, five, and Mercy, four -- split from Jesus, but the hunk has recently been spotted flirting with a number of women in his native Brazil。

  而娜姐的旧爱——年轻性感的巴西男模Jesus Luz最近被媒体拍到与不少女性走得很近,两人分手传闻不胫而走。


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