
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月21日 10:29   中国日报网-英语点津

  A policy which means visitors to Australia have to declare any porn at the airport gates is causing embarrassment. The policy, thought to have been implemented to keep the Christian population happy, features landing cards which demand to know if tourists or travelers are carrying any porn on their computer, camera or phon


  Any undeclared images or film could result in on-the-spot fines or even deportation, TechEye.net reported。


  According to Robbie Swan of the Australian Sex Party, one case involved a couple on their honeymoon, who declared nude pictures of themselves on their iPhone。


  Now Home Affairs Minister Brendan O’Connor has asked Customs and Border Protection to change the wording of the declaration cards. He told the Sydney Morning Herald: ‘The previous card stated that travelers needed to disclose any “pornography” they were carrying.’It is believed the cards will now ask if anyone is carrying any ‘illegal’ pornography。


  According to Australian law, illegal pornography includes images of children and material depicting bestiality, explicit sexual violence, degradation and non-consensual sex。



  deportation n. 驱逐出境;放逐


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