Hong Kong`s Hsu Chi has traveled a long way from her difficult days of the mid-90s. Her latest box office hit, a kungfu thriller, is further proof of her versatility。 香港女星舒淇出道于90年代中期,一路走来虽经历不少磨难,但星路愈加平坦。最近出演的一部惊险动作片票房表现不俗,这也使得她银屏多面手的形象更加深入人心。 Her latest role in Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen is a Japanese spy in Shanghai posing as a nightclub singer。 在新片《精武风云·陈真》中,她饰演的是上海滩夜总会的一位歌女,而其真实身份则是一名日本间谍。 Playing Kiki also brought out Hsu`s other talents. She sings all the songs in the movie, a soundtrack album is in the making。 她对琦琦这一角色的演绎也展现出她别样的才华。这部电影中所有的歌曲都由她亲自演唱,据悉该片的音乐专辑正在制作中。 "While I like karaoke with friends. I never thought about becoming a singer. This role has made one," she says。 “尽管我很喜欢和朋友一起K歌,但我从没想过会做歌手。这个角色让我梦想成真。” Asked about some critics who doubted her acting abilities, the actress, whom audiences have come to associate with simple, glamgirl roles, remains calm. "I know that people find it difficult to see beyond my pretty face. The only way for me forward is to have plastic surgery," she jokes。 提到舒淇,多数观众都很自然地联想到一些天真单纯的美女角色。当被问及如何看待那些对于她演技的质疑声时,她表现得很平静,还打趣道:“我知道,将人们的注意力从我漂亮的脸蛋上转移开是件困难的事。看来我只能去做整容手术了。” Hsu, who was born in Taiwan and moved to Hong Kong with her family when she was 17, has starred in more than 60 films. She has never denied the early days of her career in the mid-90s when she was a pornstar。 舒淇出生在台湾,17岁时随父母移居香港,她前前后后共出演了60多部电影。她从来不回避自己在90年代中期那段艳星的历史。 "That was just for the sake of money," she says。 她说:“那时只是为了赚钱。” It is only in the past two years that the versatile actress has been able to direct attention to her acting abilities, with acclaimedperformances in such movies as Hong Kong director Derek Yee`s Viva Erotica. She was voted Best Supporting Actress and Best Newcomer at the Hong Kong Film Awards in 1997, for this movie。 直到前两年,人们才开始对这位百变女星的演技刮目相看。其实早在1997年,她就在尔冬升导演的《色情男女》一片中有精彩表现,从而被评选为当年香港电影金像奖最佳女配角和最佳新人。 Other accoladesover the years include Best Actress at the Golden Horse Awards in 2005 for her three roles in Three Times by art-house director Hou Hsia-hsien。 此外,她于2005年因在殿堂级导演侯孝贤的《美好时光》中一人分饰三角,而荣获台湾金马影后称号。 Now, more than a decade later, the actress has emerged as one of the nation`s most popular female stars, and is at ease with both praise and criticisms。 现在,十多年过去了,她已经成为中国最受欢迎的女星之一,并可以坦然面对一切的赞美与指责。 Even questions about her roles in pornfilms leave her unfazedand she is quick to point out without those days, she wouldn`t be where she is today。 甚至是在被问及曾出演三级片的经历时,她也表现得坦然自若,并不假思索地表示,如果不是那段经历,她也不会取得现在的成就。 The actress was also invited to join the jury of the 58th Berlin Film Festival in 2008, and was a member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival in 2009. 2008年,她受邀担任第58届柏林电影节评委,次年,她又担任了戛纳电影节的评委。 However, she says she has no interest in working in Hollywood. "I`m not that interested in making foreign movies," says Hsu, who appeared in the French blockbuster The Transporter in 2002 and had a bit part in the Hollywood movie New York, I Love You, in 2009. 不过,她对进军好莱坞并不感兴趣。“我并不怎么喜欢演外国电影。”她曾于2002年参演了法国大片《非常人贩》,2009年又在好莱坞电影《纽约,我爱你》中出演一个小角色。 "My English is not good and the cultural gap is huge. I encountered a similar situation when I first came to Hong Kong to make movies; it was painful and I don`t want to go through that all over again," she adds。 她感慨道:“我的英语不好,而且文化间的差异还是挺大的。当我第一次到香港拍片时也有类似的遭遇;那段回忆挺痛苦的,我也不想再经历一遍了。”(21世纪英语) 网友评论
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