英国涌现“回巢族” 生活仍需依赖父母

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月22日 17:52   中国日报网-英语点津

  The rise of the so-called “boomerang generation” is laid bare in official figures showing that almost one in five graduates in their late 20s now live with their parents。


  By contrast, only one in eight university graduates had failed to fly the nest by the same age 20 years ago, research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows。


  It also found that grown-up sons are twice as likely as their sisters to still be living with their parents in their late 20s。


  With nearly a quarter of men approaching 30 still living at home, the findings are bound to lead to claims of a "generation of mummy's boys"。


  Rising property prices, mounting student debts and the effects of recession on the job market have forced a wave of young people to move back into the family home at an age when they would normally be moving out。


  Young professionals in their late 20s or early 30s have been nicknamed the “boomerang generation” because of the trend toward returning to the family home having initially left to study。



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