
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月23日 12:05   环球时报

  GAccording to the Daily Mail of October 21, a study has found that many women will find themselves more miserable with their advancing years, while most men feel happier once retired。

  Men become more satisfied with their lives once they have escaped the "drudgery" of full-time work, but for old women, retirement is more likely to bring loneliness and monotony, researchers discovered。

  Women over the age of 75 were the worst affected, with women of this age particularly likely to have low levels of "wellbeing."

  Many reported suffering from depression, poor quality of life, loneliness and poor "life satisfaction."

  Professor Michael Marmot, who led the research, said that the over-50s in general had become less happy with their lives over the past four years。

  But he said that women in particular tended to be unhappy as they grew older because they had outlived their husbands and their children had grown up and moved away。

  Women were also disproportionately affected by the difficulties of having to care for sick relatives - something which was revealed to take a significant toll on wellbeing。

  But men appear to buck the trend after retirement, with higher levels of "life satisfaction" among those aged over 65 than in younger men, according to the report。

  Professor Michael suggested that this could be because men were enjoying retirement more than going to work every day, finding the time to concentrate on hobbies and spend time with friends and family。

  The study, carried out by researchers from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, tracked more than 10,000 men and women aged over 50 since 2002. The study is the most comprehensive one of its kind, which monitored their spending levels, happiness and health。












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