
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月23日 12:08   环球时报

  Does a hard-working woman sweat like a man? A new study published this month in the journal Experimental Physiology provides persuasive evidence that women do sweat copiously during exercise. But fit women seem to sweat differently than unfit people of either sex, and quite differently than fit men。

  For the study, researchers at Osaka International University and Kobe University in Japan recruited a pool of trained athletes, male and female, as well as the same aged group of untrained volunteers. People in the two groups were similar in terms of weight. All of the volunteers rode bikes in a physiology lab heated to a balmy 86 degrees. The beginning of the session was leisurely, then it became tougher. Throughout, researchers monitored how much perspiration the cyclists were producing. The researchers also determined how many sweat glands were active during each rider's session。

  What the researchers found was that the fit men perspired the most, significantly more than the fit women, especially during the more intense exercise. But the athletic men weren't using more sweat glands. The fit women had just as many glands active and pumping; they produced less sweat from each gland. Meanwhile, the unfit women perspired the least, especially during the strenuous cycling。

  These results, the scientists concluded, "Revealed a sex difference in the effects of physical training on the sweating response" and "a sex difference" in "the control of sweating rate to an increase in exercise intensity." In other words, the women, whether fit or not, were less adept of ridding themselves of body heat by drenching themselves in sweat。

  Does this difference in sweating rates have practical implications? "It appears," said Yoshimitsu Inoue, a professor of physiology at Osaka International University and one of the authors of the study, "that women are at a disadvantage when they need to sweat a lot during exercise in hot conditions." On the other hand, it may be that women, during evolution, had the good sense to get out of the hot sun, and their bodies adapted accordingly。

  The "lower sweat loss in women may be an adaptation strategy that attaches great importance" to preserving body fluids "for survival," he wrote in an e-mail, while "the higher sweat rate of men may be an adaptation strategy for greater efficiency of action or labor."









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