CK拍大尺度性感广告 被指很黄很暴力   2010年10月25日 13:19   中国日报网-英语点津

  A risqué Calvin Klein Jeans campaign, starring Lara Stone, has been banned in Australia after the country's Advertising Standards Bureau decided that it was 'suggestive of violence and rape'. The supermodel, who is married to comedian David Walliams, is the face of the designer label, and can be seen posing with three male models in the controversial image. Her head is rested on the lap of one, while she is straddled by another。

  国际知名品牌CK邀请顶级模特Lara Stone重金打造广告因“很黄,很暴力”在澳大利亚文化部门禁止继续传播。据悉,CK当初请来巨星Lara Stone来当本季度“广告女郎”也是煞费苦心了的,对此,澳大利亚当局给出的解释是:广告充斥了太过暴力因素,以及有诱导色情的嫌疑。广告中模特 Lara Stone被众多男模特像“三明治”一样夹在中间。

  The advertisement sparked a storm of complaints from sexual assault workers and women's groups after it was posted on billboards across the country. A spokesman from the Advertising Standards Bureau said that the image was demeaning to both men and women。


  'The Board considered that whilst the act depicted could be consensual, the overall impact and most likely impression is that the scene is suggestive of violence and rape,' he said.'The Board considered that the image was demeaning to women by suggesting that she is a plaything of these men。

  'It also demeans men by implying sexualised violence against women.'


  Clinical psychologist Alison Grundy, who works with victims of sexual assault, said that the use of sexual violence as a marketing tool was 'a dangerous newlow'. 'If we continue to subject future generations of young men to great barrages of aggressive, misogynist, over-sexualised and violent imagery in pornography, movies, computer games and advertising, we will continue to see the rates of sexual violence against women and children that continue unabated today,' she said。

  心理学家 Alison Grundy分析,运用“性暴力手段”进行广告宣传策划是一个很危险的宣传策略。各种暴力画面、电影、或者电脑游戏和广告宣传都不利于教育下一代青年正确的价值观,并让他们健康成长。由此可见,社会要对未来犯罪率升高的趋势承担应有的责任。

  risqué adj. [法语](作品等)近乎淫秽的;伤风败俗的,有伤风化的

  consensual adj. [生理]交感的;[律]在双方同意下成立的


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