
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月25日 13:29   国际在线

  You may be surprised to learn that the rumor we'd heard earlier this week concerning a cameo from Mel Gibson in the eagerly anticipated sequel to The Hangover was actually true. Multiple sources confirmed that the struggling actor was indeed making a small appearance in the comedy. However, reports from TMZ indicated that some members of the cast weren't as pleased with the hilarious potential and Gibson's cameo had been cut. Now Deadline and The Wrap confirm the gossip site's report complete with a short statement from director Todd Phillips explaining that it's a tough decision to make, but ultimately a necessary one。


  Here's what Phillips had to say about the somewhat disappointing news, "I thought Mel would have been great in the movie and I had the full backing of Jeff Robinov and his team. But I realize filmmaking is a collaborative effort, and this decision ultimately did not have the full support of my entire cast and crew." It's not clear which members of the cast had issues with Gibson's cameo, but I'm sure there are plenty of people in the industry that aren't too pleased with the actor after his offensive remarks that have been made public. It's at least good to hear that this isn't the result of studio interference. Of course, this could all be a diversionary tactic to make the cameo a surprise all over again. Phillips previously flat out lied about the film taking place in Thailand before, so it wouldn't be a surprise。

  However, coincidentally enough, earlier this week Vulture noticed that actor Zach Galifianakis was frustrated about some happenings on the set of The Hangover 2, but his grievances weren't fully explained. In speaking with Comedy Death Ray podcast host Scott Aukerman, Galifianakis said, "I'm in a deep protest right now with a movie I'm working on, up in arms about something. But I can't get the guys to [listen]. I'm not making any leeway." I can't imagine an innovative comic like Galifianakis being up in arms about the cameo, so maybe he was trying to convince the naysayers to let the cameo happen? We may never know. Anyone disappointed?




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