梅丽尔桑德拉奥普拉联手演绎喜剧They've already demonstrated on-screen chemistry by kissing in public, and now two of the biggest movie stars in the world are taking their relationship one step further。 Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock are attached to star in the next movie from Michael Patrick King, writer/director of the 'Sex and the City' films。 As if that's not enough star power, Oprah Winfrey also has a role in the (currently untitled) project。 The Universal Pictures comedy features characters at a home shopping network dealing with "marketing, marriages and the media," according to the studio。 With Oprah retiring her hugely popular syndicated TV show soon, will she be a draw for moviegoers? Aside from voiceovers, Winfrey has been absent from feature films since 1998's 'Beloved' -- so joining a mini-ensemble in what promises to be lighthearted entertainment seems a wise move. Of course, she's demonstrated good comic timing in guest spots on primetime TV ('30 Rock,' 'Ellen') for years。 之前在颁奖礼上献出激情“蕾丝边”之吻的奥斯卡影后梅丽尔-斯特里普和桑德拉-布洛克将联袂出演一部即将开拍的喜剧电影,而日间脱口秀女王奥普拉也将参与其中,这使得这部尚未命名的电影卡司星光耀眼。《欲望都市》的导演及编剧迈克尔-帕特里克-金奖执导这部影片。 即将结束25五年的脱口秀节目的奥普拉-温弗里自从1988年在反响不佳的电影《Beloved》出演之后,便再未涉足影坛,但这位娱乐圈最有影响力的黑人女演员还是会不时客串一些电视剧集,例如《我为喜剧狂》和《Ellen》。 As for the two stars headlining this new film, Bullock jokingly kissed Streep earlier this year at the 2010 Critics' Choice Awards; the two competed for the Best Actress Oscar that Bullock eventually won for 'The Blind Side.' Both obviously have great comedy chops, both have now won Academy Awards, and both are at high points in their careers -- making this yet another dream-team pairing for Streep, who's also linked to a mother/daughter drama starring Julia Roberts and a mother/daughter comedy-drama project with Tina Fey。 梅丽尔-斯特里普和桑德拉-布洛克在2010“影评人选择”颁奖典礼上上演激吻,而又在奥斯卡最佳女主角的争夺中站到了同一起跑线,两人均处于事业巅峰期,而这是斯特里普继与蒂娜-菲搭档之后,再次接手母亲女儿类型的喜剧电影。 The wild card is King. He took plenty of heat from film critics for 'Sex and the City,' and even more thrashing in reviews for 'Sex and the City 2,' but the Sarah Jessica Parker movies earned more than $700 million worldwide. That kind of box office makes his first non-'Sex' movie a hot commodity. Away from his 'SATC' universe, can he make magic happen with these three big stars? Time will tell。 尽管《欲望都市2》反响不如预期,但这并没有影响到这一系列电影七亿的票房进账,这是的迈克尔-帕特里克-金成为了好莱坞最炙手可热的喜剧类型导演之一,此番邀得两位奥斯卡影后及奥普拉加盟,最终的成果是在令人期待。 网友评论
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