席琳迪翁6次人工授精 产下一对男婴

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月25日 15:26   国际在线

  Congratulations times two going out to Celine Dion and her husband Rene Angelil! The singer gave birth to fraternal twin boys at about 11am in Florida, reports Us magazine. No word yet on what the couple decided on for names。


  Celine's rep said today: : “Celine, Rene and their son Rene-Charles are thrilled … Celine is resting now and they plan to discuss what to name the boys when she wakes up. Rene-Charles has been to the hospital to visit his brothers and is just so excited they are here。”


  The 42-year-old singer got pregnant with twins after many rounds of in-vitro fertilization. The couple, who already have a son, 9-year-old Rene-Charles, were determined for another baby so decided to give in-vitro one more go, and the 6th time was a charm!


  "We believed in trying one more time," she said in a past interview. "If [the doctor] had told me that my body was too tired, I would have given up."


  Celine announced that she was pregnant in May。



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