
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月26日 20:45   环球时报


  According to the BBC of October 18, uniforms used on ITV's The Bill have been bought by the Metropolitan Police to stop them falling into the hands of criminals。

  The 24-year run of the The Bill came to an end in August。

  The show had permission from Scotland Yard to dress its actors in real uniforms and stab-proof vests bearing the force's crest。

  A spokesman for the London force said it bought the 400 kilograms of clothing as it feared people could use them to pose as officers. He would not say how much it is costing the Met. but unused items will be re-issued to officers。

  The Met. Police spokesman said: "When the announcement was made that The Bill was to cease production, the Metropolitan Police approached the production company with a view to acquiring all used and unused items of clothing and uniform. The purpose of this approach was to ensure that Metropolitan Police uniforms did not enter the public domain and give rise to the potential use by unauthorized individuals in the commission of criminal activities."

  As well as various types of shirts, trousers and pullovers, the items bought include 29 body armor covers, 28 high visibility jackets, four inspector Flat Caps and 22 constable bowler hats。

  据英国广播公司10月18日报道,英国大都会警察局收购了电视剧"The Bill" 中使用的警服,以防止它们落入到犯罪分子们的手中。

  今年八月,拍摄24年之久的电视剧"The Bill",终于迎来了大结局。



  警局发言人说:“收到'The Bill'这部剧已经停止拍摄并且不再播出的通知后,大都会警局接洽了制作公司并且提出收回所有已经使用过和没有使用的警服和道具。这项行动的目的是确保警局的制服不会流入公众领域,以防止未经授权的人使用这些警服而进行的犯罪行为的增多。”



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