
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月26日 20:46   环球时报

  According to the LiveScience of October 24, a new study shows that not all men get the message that no just means no。

  The 2000 report by the Department of Justice in the US shows that 17.6 percent of American women are the victims of a completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives. The finding that sexual aggression is associated with problems processing women's cues doesn't excuse these attacks, study researcher Teresa Treat, a psychologist at the University of Iowa, said in a statement。

  "But if we can better understand how women's cues might be misinterpreted, we'll be better able to address the difficulties of some young men that can result in such negative consequences," Treat said。

  The study turned out that the men were pretty good in general at remembering girls who'd shown interest, especially if they were pretty and provocatively dressed. But not all of the participants were equally skilled at remembering the women's body language. Those who had been in frequent serious relationships did better at remembering the women's original expressions, while those whose surveys revealed them to be sexually aggressive did worse。

  While the study suggests a link between ability to remember a woman's interest and sexual experience, researchers aren't yet sure how the two are related. Sexual aggression may cloud men's memory of what women really want, or an inability to properly read women might lead to sexual aggression. Other factors are almost certainly involved, according to the researchers。








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